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Connections far and wide

The A30 used to be the main road link from the south east to Cornwall, and still runs through the centre of our fine old town, giving a vantage point for admiring our beautiful hanging baskets, planters and sparkling Christmas decorations.


Away from the centre of town are many amenities and residential areas which supporters continue to transform florally and artistically. 


These are known by the The Royal Horticultural Society as IYN areas and are much encouraged. 

A special mention and our grateful thanks to John Davies

As well as John's enthusiastic work around Crewkerne, he leads a band of volunteers who help to support work at the Cemetery grounds on the edge of town.  


He still finds time to plan and work on activities at the award winning IYN areas at Severalls War Memorial Gardens and The Pillbox.


John's commitment, knowledge and hard work has brought so much to the Crewkerne community and we are delighted that he was recognised by the RHS when they presented him with notable awards in 2021 and 2022: 


  • RHS Best Community Champion Award

  • Serco Cup Trophy on behalf of Severalls War Memorial Gardens for Best Community Initiative


prestigious invitation followed from South West in Bloom for John to join their judging panel.  We were proud and delighted that he accepted!

Severalls ST and John May 22.jpg


  • Under John's guidance, Severalls War Memorial Gardens triumphed as Runner-up in the RHS It's Your Neighbourhood Gordon Ford Trophy - from a field of around 350 entries!

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Bincombe Beeches

Suttons Seeds Cup Best Nature Reserve 2019


Maintained by the Town Council and volunteers, this natural and peaceful countryside haven on a hill enjoys spectacular views, mainly unchanged for two centuries.  With its majestic line of beech trees crowing the town side of the hill, it is home to a surprisingly rich assortment of flora, fungi and fauna.

Ashlands C of E Primary School

Level 5 Outstanding in It's Your Neighbourhood Awards 2019, 2021 and 2022


Ashlands Church of England First School for 4-10 year olds is in North Street and is Ofsted rated as Good.  A special feature is the adjoining Forest School and, befitting the school's location near woodland, classes are named Ash, Hazel, Holly, Monkey Puzzle, Beech, Cedar and Oak.

Level 5 Outstanding in It's Your Neighbourhood Awards 2019, 2021 and 2022

The War Memorial Garden, run by a group of volunteers, is a wonderful place to spend a reflective moment.  Community creativity is actively encouraged in this unique area on the edge of town.  It is approached by an impressive avenue of horse chestnut trees, planted after the First World War, with one tree for each man from Crewkerne who lost their life.

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Crewkerne Allotment Team and Community Greenspace (formerly known as Lyewater Community Allotments)
Level 5 Outstanding in It's Your Neighbourhood Awards 2019, 2021 and 2022
Local volunteers banded together some years ago to clear an overgrown bank at the back of Lyewater on the south west edge of town.  Meeting the challenges of the site, they have come up with inventive solutions for water collection and constructed compost bins, sheds and shelters to make cultivation easier.  The area is in a registered nature reserve and is a wildlife haven.

Crewkerne Railway Station
Level 5 Outstanding in It's Your Neighbourhood Awards 2021 and 2022
A regular, very successful It's Your Neighbourhood entrant (formed before Crewkerne in Bloom and taking a break in 2019) is Crewkerne Railway Station  On the outskirts of town the station was built in 1860 and is on the mainline London Waterloo to Exeter route.  The Friends keep it looking welcoming and joyfully celebrate every special occasion. 

Pillbox Type 22
Level 4 Thriving in It's Your Neighbourhood Awards 2021 and 2022
Found on the approach to Crewkerne from Yeovil, this landmark was probably built in 1940 as part of a defensive line to stop German forces pushing west.  It was re-discovered under a huge pile of soil and brambles in 2014 and volunteers have been imaginatively planting the sloping site with glorious displays and a peaceful sitting area.  Currently, however, they have to wait until essential road and services work is completed before the area can be restored to former glory with swathes of daffodils and colourful wild flowers.

The Speedwell
Level 4 Thriving in It's Your Neighbourhood Awards 2022
A new addition to IYN in 2022, this Grade II listed property in Abbey Street was left in trust in 1923 to provide a club for the use and benefit of all girls in and around Crewkerne.  Today, it is available to the whole community and the gardens receive tender loving care.


You can get in touch with FOCS via the Crewkerne Town website

or use the Facebook site @friendsofcrewkernestation



St Bart's Eco Council 2022
Level 3 Advancing in It's Your Neighbourhood Awards 
Another first-time entrant is St Bartholomew's School, usually known as St Bart's.  Ofsted rated as Good, this Church of England primary school was built in the late 19th Century in West Street, relocating to Kithill in 1994.  With the motto, 'Roots to Grow and Wings to Fly,' classes are name after birds - Wren, Robin, Starling Owl, Wagtail, Chaffinch and Woodpecker.

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